Who We Serve

Brave Works has already vetted several outstanding and well-managed Veteran non-profits. Brave Works main focus is on:

  • Training specialized service dogs
  • TBI & PTS Support Centers & new technology designed to reduce PTS
  • Supporting Veteran Family Counseling
  • Helping with specially-adapted vehicles
  • Adaptive Housing
  • On the job training
  • Supporting special rehabilitation centers

Specially Trained Service Dogs

New studies have demonstrated specially-trained companion/service dogs dramatically lower suicide levels, lower depressed behavior and help Wounded Vets recover their sense of purpose.

New studies reveal that the number of Veteran suicides per day is growing, not decreasing. This number is going in the wrong direction!

Brave Works is dedicated to helping find the best special service dog training facilities across the country to speed up the number of canines being trained for this life-saving purpose.

Each service dog takes 2 years to train and at a cost of $25,000 plus per animal. Not only does the dog have to be trained but also the Veteran who is granted a companion. And if they are married with children, the family also must be instructed how to work with the service dog to ensure a successful fit and outcome.

Brave Works offers full service dog sponsorships or partial sponsorships and will keep you as a sponsor advised of the animal’s training progress on a quarterly basis.

TBI & PTS Centers Support

Brave Works is fully committed to assisting in the funding of TBI [traumatic brain injury] and PTS clinical centers and/or to helping with further research to help those suffering from severe PTS.

After careful research Brave Works found The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund to be the best non-profit providing these kinds of facilities and support. Intrepid has provided nearly $200 million in support for the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation and for severely wounded military personnel and Veterans.

Veteran Family Counseling

Brave Works feels strongly that help should not stop at just aiding a Wounded Veteran to readjust – the family’s needs must be addressed as well. How can we walk away from the children and wives or husbands who have their loved one return from service needing special assistance?

This brings a whole new set of challenges to a marriage and/or parenting. Brave Works finds the best 501s throughout the nation that know exactly how to assist the families having difficulties with their new family life and challenges — especially those whose loved ones are suffering from PTS or TBI.

Specially-Adaptive Vehicles

Brave Works is in the process of vetting programs that provide specially- adapted vehicles to Wounded Veterans who require these vehicles to have mobility. A large portion of the Wounded do not live near VA medical facilities or they have no way to travel to work or to even meet the simplest of duties as a parent like driving their children to school or extra-curricular activities. Specially- adapted vehicles provide a resolution to many of the day to day issues our injured face regularly.

The cost of specially-adaptive vehicles ranges from $40,000 to well over $60,000. The government only partially funds the cost of a vehicle. Brave Works™ works with non-profit Veteran groups that have a proven track record of making up the difference in the cost or who are providing adaptive vehicles to our Wounded in a timely and cost-efficient way.

Adaptive Housing

Brave Works provides financial resources to selected 501(c)3 Institutions who provide adaptive housing to America’s most severely Wounded. ​

Brave Works is working with and fully endorses Homes for Our Troops. They have built and delivered more than 247 homes nationwide to severely injured post 9-11Veterans and their families.

On the Job Training

Brave Works™ is proud to be involved with The Mission Continues (TMC), a non-profit specializing in empowering Veterans by giving them on the job training and encouraging them to continue their service to their communities and country.

TMC’s operations in cities nationwide deploy veteran volunteers alongside non-profit partners and community leaders to solve some of the most challenging issues facing our communities: improving community education resources, eliminating food deserts, mentoring at-risk youth and more.

Through TMC’s unique model, veterans build new skills and networks that help them successfully reintegrate to life after the military while making long-term, sustainable transformations in communities and inspiring future generations to serve.

TMC was one of the first organizations to have their Veteran teams on the ground helping rebuild the infrastructure in Texas and Florida after the terrible devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. TMC has already aided more than 13,000 Veterans in their short existence and exemplifies what a well- managed and financially-responsible non-profit can accomplish with the right leadership.


Benefits for those who have been severally injured vary from Veteran to Veteran. Some need to be with others who experienced similar traumatic experiences to help them work through their issues. Others require physical therapy and retraining. Some require the benefit of a professionally-trained dog to partner for life for security and support.

Brave Works seeks out the most effective 501s in this important area and helps them expand their rehab programs to provide even more opportunities for our injured.